Selecting the Best Skin Specialist in Mumbai for Skin Lightening Treatment

Strolling down the aisle which is full of skin lightening products in the shopping mall makes you feel so done with all that and you want something permanent that would stay with you and make you look like an epitome of fair beauty. To become beauty’s embrace start the hunt to find the best skin specialist in Mumbai who will understand your needs and bless you with spotless and fair skin with his flawless treatment. It is no simple job to find out that person who can enter your dream and read it to turn it into reality. Scroll down and see if these tips help you to find your skin specialist:

  • History rules the present: – The history of the specialist matters in the long run since it can tell you what his experience has been and how well he has treated people. This even refers to the success rate of the treatment. In case he had any failures in the treatment then you should be aware of that. You can have a look at the before and after pictures of the treatment from the past. This will satisfy you.
  • Professional documents are the proof: – Step out of the door and you will see many clinics and skin specialists offering their treatments with some distinguished facts to attract customers. This is the time you have to play smart and ask the doctor about his degrees and educational status. Make sure that you go through his documents that state of him being a certified specialist.
  • Half knowledge is bad: – Like clothes techniques also go out of fashion. The newer ones always come up with better results and easy techniques. The best skin specialist in Mumbai should be a regular visitor of the conferences and seminars in order to stay aware of all the upcoming technologies and techniques. You can simply put up this question when you go to visit him.
  • Ask it without hesitation: – When you step out of the door make sure that you leave your hesitation back home and do not carry it along. You and your specialist should have proper understanding and you should not hesitate to tell him anything regarding the skin issue. This will eventually help you get the best results.

All these above-mentioned points will help in making your hunt easy for you and help you find the best skin specialist in Mumbai.

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Psoriasis Treatment in India – Its Symptoms, Treatment and Cost

Psoriasis is a noncontiguous continual skin problem which creates plaques of thickened and scaling skin. The extreme proliferation of the skin cells causes the dry flakes of the skin scales. The inflammatory chemicals created by the specialized white blood cells commonly called T- lymphocytes stimulate the propagation of the skin cells. The main body parts which are affected by this skin disorder are knees, elbows, and scalp.

This is assumed to be an incurable long-term skin disease. It can either improve or worsen over a period of time.

Psoriasis treatment in India is offered by numerous dermatologists, but you should consult the best one for this chronic disease.


The signs and symptoms of Psoriasis contrast from one person to another. These symptoms are as follows.

  • Skin gets covered with red patches and silvery scales
  • Small spots, generally seen in children
  • Dry and cracked skin which may cause bleeding
  • Itching, burning sensation, and soreness of the skin
  • The nails become thick, pitted or ridged
  • Swelling and stiffness in the joints


Although the causes of psoriasis haven’t been totally discovered, the doctors think this disease is  related to the problem of the immune system. The T cells and other white blood cells which are called neutrophils in the body are assumed to be related to this disease.

T cells usually travel throughout the body to fight against the foreign substances like virus and bacteria which enters the body.

But if you are suffering from psoriasis, the T cells would fight against the healthy cells in order to heal a wound or defend the body against an infection.

T cells which are overly active also boost the production of healthy skin cells, more T cells and other WBCs, especially neutrophils.

Treatment in India

Psoriasis treatment in India is also available in the form of Ayurvedic medicines which can be little helpful in relieving the people suffering from this chronic skin problem. But for an effective treatment, you should check with your dermatologist. Generally, the psoriasis treatment involves medicines and lifestyle changes like exercising, minimizing stress.

The treatment of this disease is provided by various dermatologists and skin care centers. You should discuss your condition in detail with your dermatologist which would help in making a chart for the treatment.

Dr. Rinky Kapoor is one of the best dermatologists in the nation who can definitely help you in tackling your psoriasis.

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Skin Whitening Treatment: Attain a Flawless Complexion without Any Surgery

In this world of perfection, everyone ponders for zero flaws in work, life and the same applies when it comes to skin. Protecting it from the sun, dust, harmful chemicals and a lot more makes it a big deal to keep it flawless and fair. But there is a remedy for everything and so is the case with skin whitening. If you are dying to have that flawless white skin, you do not have to lose heart. There are some skin whitening treatments that help you correct the scars, discoloration, or tanning and the advantage is that no surgery is needed as such.

Skin whitening is a procedure to reduce the melanin pigment from the skin. Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for person’s skin color. Melanin is produced by the cells called melanocytes. Genetics is a big factor that plays a role when it comes to skin color. It is also affected by exposure to sun, chemicals, and dust. Skin whitening treatments are all about decreasing the amount of melanin pigment to lighten the skin. People go through recourses of skin whitening to correct the age spots, freckles, scars, moles, birthmarks and also the people who want fair and bright skin. People use sun block creams, fairness creams, masks to get a fair skin. The best way is to get skin whitening treatment done.

The first thing that you are supposed to do is, visit a dermatologist and discuss what color of skin do you aspire. Everybody is eligible for a skin whitening treatment. It is just the people who have a history of heart disorders, reoccurring fever, the tendency to scar should give it a thought before going for the treatment. Those who possess really dark skin are also not recommended for peel treatment as well.

Every coin has two faces and so does the skin whitening treatment. It is not that it just offers benefits and no risks. There are several risks involved which you should be aware of. Getting laser treatment, one can expect to experience side effects like bruising, scars, sensitivity to sunlight, dryness, swelling, pigmentation, skin infections, and skin texture differences. To get the best results it is mandatory that you wash the concerned region with chemical-free soap and dab very gently. For sooner results, it is recommended that you use certain maintenance products. The last thing that you got to do is embrace the fair skin that you attained after skin whitening treatment.


Considering Melasma Treatment Get Rid Of Dark Spots On The Face

Now days, dark spots are a very common problem that is faced by every woman due to various reasons such as the harsh rays of sun, genetic predisposition, and hormonal changes. The melasma treatment is a very effective way that we can use without being worried about the ill effects on skin.

What is melasma?

Melasma is a type of hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy and is manifested as pigmented, patchy areas generally over the face. Melasma can be an epidermal (upper skin), dermal (lower skin) or mixed (dermal and epidermal) condition.

Clinical Treatments which are generally done for Melasma:


It ensures that only the dry dead cells of skin on the face is removed and paves way for the new layer to replace it. A professional surgeon will use an electric device to slightly slough off or remove a very thin layer with these spots. For example, microdermabrasion is one of the methods to remove those caused by acne or pimples.

Laser Treatment

If your prescription cream cannot give the desired result, laser therapy treatment will do it all. It uses penetrating pulses of laser light to destroy and kill melanocyte cells under the skin causing them. A new layer of skin grows to give rise to younger and also provide dark spot free face skin. Laser is no doubt a very reliable. Of course, this is a chemical free therapy to clear these that can be used on most types of skins

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are also a way to remove these black spots. Unlike microdermabrasion, in chemical peeling solution medicine is used to remove the targeted layer of skin where dark spots originate. Light chemical peels e.g. Alpha hydroxyls are appropriate for light skinned, and thus effective remover.

There are sample of home remedies which can be considered to treat Melasma at initial stages such as Applying Tomatoes, Carrot’s paste, consuming Green Tea, adding lots of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

If your Dark Spots are not due to Melasma, then you can also try the following treatments to get rid of Melasma before you visit a cosmetologist:

  1. Every day uses sunscreen cream.
  2. Wear a hat that covers your face from the direct sunlight.
  3. Aloe Vera is also a way to get rid of dark spots.
  4. Try to wear UV protection sunglasses.
  5. Try to wear such kind of clothes that can cover your whole body from the sun.

Melasma can be really impactful; hence it is always advised to get treated under an expert physician at the earliest

So that the condition does not turn permanent.

Gift Yourself a New Body with Non-Surgical Liposuction in India

Being overweight does not necessarily stem from bad eating habits – sometimes it is hereditary. This does not mean that it can’t be cured and you can’t get a bikini body. Though exercise and diet watch are definitely irreplaceable, there are certain treatments available out there that can help you get fast-tracked towards your goal, like non-surgical liposuction in India. Gift yourself a new body with non-surgical liposuction in India. Read about the benefits that come with this non-invasive procedure.

Benefit #1: No scars

Surgical liposuction leaves scars, and until a few years ago, the population was led into believing that it was a necessary evil. However, with the non-surgical liposuction techniques these days, there is no necessity for any invasive procedures. Furthermore, there is virtually no downtime, and the patients can return to work as soon as they wish to. The procedure is painless, and requires minimal aftercare.

Benefit #2: Highly effective

Non-surgical liposuction makes use of lasers, which achieve almost eight centimetres of reduction in each session from the targeted area. This effectiveness is what keeps bringing people back again. It works on people of all age groups, regardless of gender. Make sure you go to a certified, qualified doctor.

Benefit #3: Convenient

There is no need for any anaesthesia, aftercare, painkillers or rest – just walk into the clinic for a session and walk out several kilograms lighter. You could practically do this on your lunch break. However, you do need to watch your diet and exercise once you lose the extra pounds because you don’t want to put them back on. Additionally, if you wish to lose weight and achieve contouring more than what you got in the first session, you can come in again no problem.

Non-surgical liposuction in India is perhaps the best when availed of from Dr Rinky Kapoor’s clinic in Mumbai.

Useful Tips to Find the Best Treatment for Vitiligo in India

Vitiligo is a skin condition that can affect just about any person, irrespective of their age, gender or ethnicity. Loss of melanocytes in the skin causes white patches to appear all over a patient’s body and increase their susceptibility to UV rays. The condition can also affect the eyes, hair and inside section of a patient’s lips. And while Vitiligo doesn’t present any pain or discomfort, it will severely impact the physical appearance of a patient, also affecting their self-esteem and confidence levels. Treatments of vitiligo in India are often focused towards reducing the strength of the condition and making it more manageable. It can be fully cured but that often tends to be an extremely tough feat to achieve. It is, therefore, recommended that patients get help and support from the very best dermatologist out there and seek effective treatment for vitiligo in India. Here are some useful tips that will help you with that:

  • Not every skin spot indicates the existence of vitiligo in a patient’s body. Always ensure that your dermatologist performs the requisite tests to establish the absence of melanocytes in the skin to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
  • Phototherapy tends to be one of the most typical forms of recommended treatment for vitiligo in India. Exposure of skin to UVA and UVB lamps for specific periods of time, depending upon the location of the spots and the duration for which they have existed on a patient’s body, is recommended to provide effective treatment.
  • Skin camouflage using depigmentation medication is also a viable option to reduce the appearance of vitiligo spots on a patient’s body.
  • Protection from exposure to direct sunlight is also recommended to prevent the affected skin areas from sustaining serious sunburns and the occurrence of melanomas as a result of abnormal reactivity to sun rays. These precautions are also an important part of vitiligo treatment.
  • Melanocyte transplantation is also an option, however it is a treatment modality that is still in its nascent stages of development. If you are considering this therapy, make sure that you choose only the top dermatologist in India to handle treatment administration.

If you are looking for the best vitiligo treatment in Mumbai, make sure you visit for booking a consult.

Cure Severe Hair Diseases – Consult The Best Trichologist in Mumbai

Hair issues are quite a common occurrence. Most people don’t even think twice before ignoring those untimely itches on the scalp or those lose strands of hair that end up in the drain every day. And those who do take notice eventually end up treating these issues by using over-the-counter products or mainstream oils and shampoos rather than consulting a professional trichologist. The problem isn’t that people are careless about their hair. The actual issue here is that many people don’t even realise that hair problems can actually be symptoms of much more grievous and severe hair diseases for which you might need professional treatment. Consulting the best trichologist in Mumbai can help you a great deal here.

Problems that might lead you to the doorstep of a trichologist can be many, the most common one being male and female pattern baldness. Thinning hair is a major cause of worry for most people and while there are several non-medicated treatments available to resolve the issue, these seldom yield effective and lasting results. Thinning hair can be a result of several contributory factors including stress, poor hygiene, persistent dandruff, hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition and trauma. However, these issues need specific and careful attention for treating the problem of hair fall – a feat that can only be achieved under the professional guidance of the best trichologist in Mumbai.

Treatments for such severe hair diseases usually follow a combination of different therapies and procedures prescribed on the basis of the impending factors in each case. The best trichologist in Mumbai will first assess your problem in detail and attempt to determine the root cause of the issue. On the basis of these findings, you will be recommended treatments like stem cell injections, mesotherapy, hair plugs or revolutionary solutions like QR 678. These treatments may appear to be expensive initially, but when you compare their cost with the cumulative money spent on over-the-counter products and hair fall solutions, you will begin to appreciate the value proposition they offer. And the best part – these cures for severe hair diseases will deliver predictable outcomes and satisfactory results every time!

So go ahead and consult the best trichologist in Mumbai for your hair problems. You will definitely appreciate the benefits derived from making this decision.


Top 5 Benefits of Undergoing Skin Lightening Surgery

There are many reasons why a person might choose to undergo skin lightening surgery. It is a highly personal decision, often motivated by a need to maintain a positive body image. Skin lightening treatments are aimed towards reducing the appearance of age spots, blemishes, scars or dark patches on one’s face and turning one’s skin complexion a shade lighter from what it is currently. Treatments include skin lightening laser treatment, chemical peeling, micro-dermabrasion and cryosurgery, each of which takes a different approach towards skin lightening in order to achieve desired results. Let’s look at top 5 benefits that you can enjoy by choosing to undergo skin lightening treatment:

Fast results
Skin lightening solutions like cryotherapy and skin lightening laser treatment require multiple short sessions of therapy to obtain the skin tone you desire. The procedures followed are quick and hassle free and will not require admittance in the hospital at all, plus you will start seeing effective results from the treatment in just a couple of weeks.

While different people report different degrees of effectiveness from their skin lightening surgeries, these treatments deliver satisfactory results in almost all cases. These treatments have been in use for considerable number of years which means you can expect a certain degree of predictability in the outcomes of each surgery.

Skin problems
Skin Whitening treatments aren’t just a means to satisfy one’s vanity fuelled fantasies. These procedures are also used to treat a variety of skin problems like hyperpigmentation, melisma, acne scars, marks from old wounds, vitiligo and uneven skin tone.

Depending upon the skin lightening treatment you have chosen, the recovery time from the procedure can range between 1 to 4 weeks. In this time period, you need not abandon your life and hole up inside your home. With certain precautions like active sun protection and skin maintenance solutions, a patient can enjoy a regular life routine in between sessions while your skin heals itself from the effects of the surgery.

Peace of mind
One of the biggest reasons why people choose to undergo procedures like skin lightening laser treatment is to ensure their self-esteem and body image remains positive at all times. The most important benefit of these surgeries is getting the appearance that you have always wanted – a major confidence booster that you can enjoy without having to sacrifice your peace of mind.

So go ahead and avail of skin lightening surgeries from Dr. Rinky Kapoor in India – the best name in the business. Book your consult today!


Learn the in depth procedure for treatment of melasma on the face

This relatively common skin problem manifests with brown, tan or blue –gray dark spots on the face. Individuals tend to get dark patches on their forehead, cheeks, and Nose Bridge. Melasma is very common among pregnant women and sometimes referred to as “the mask of maternity”. Melasma can be characterized by epidermal, dermal, or a combination of dermal and epidermal problems. Here is a good look at the procedures that offer the best treatment for melasma.

Diagnosis prior to best treatment for hyperpigmentation
Melasma is diagnosed by visual examination of the appearance of brown skin patches on the face. The dermatologist may need to conduct a biopsy of skin before starting with the medication based on the acquired result.

Treatment of melasma on the face through topical therapy
Topical therapy is the first step in melasma treatment. India is home to some of the best centres for face skin pigmentation treatment where treatment begins with topical application. Hydroquinone is the commonly used medicine for melasma, which is available as creams, lotions, gels. Other topicals like azelaic & kojic acid and vitamin C are also suggested by dermatologists to bring down the pigmentation of the skin.

Other methods of overcoming and mitigating the condition
Effective sun screen – Sun-protection is of utmost importance for drawing better treatment results. Individuals with dark pigmented skin turn darker when exposed to unrelenting sunlight. Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion with SPF (Sun protection factor) above 50 as part of daily routine is advisable.

Chemical Peel – Chemical peel will actually help to get rid of the cells that generate extra pigmentation and also improve the skin complexion. Phenol peel or TCA peel can be used for treating dark pigmentation to get the desired results. Chemical peel needs to be carried out by renowned and experienced plastic surgeons to prevent scarring.

Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser – This laser technique helps to effectively cure conditions like melasma. High wavelength laser beams are targeted on the affected area. The focused laser beam generates adequate heat to destroy diseased cells to produce long-lasting results.


Suffering from skin disease? Consult Dr. Rinky Kapoor – The best dermatologist in India

Dr. Rinky Kapoor is acclaimed as one of the best dermatologists in India, and the uncrowned best skin specialist in Mumbai. A popular choice among clients worldwide, she ranks as one of the best dermatologist in India. Her reputation has spread far and wide, with many successfully innovative procedures credited to her. If you are looking for the best cosmetologist in Mumbai, Dr. Rinky Kapoor is the best choice to avail treatment for any skin related disease.

#1 Regain Your Self Confidence, Reduce Social Anxiety
Dr. Kapoor’s experience, success and expertise, combined with the support of her team helps you to acquire skin that glows with vitality. The best cosmetologist in Mumbai, Dr. Kapoor offers personalised care assisting patients to get not just the functional benefits of medical interventions, but benefit from their aesthetic payoffs. Not only do you feel great, you look wonderful too with soft and supple skin.

#2 The Benefit of Visiting an experienced dermatologist
With extensive experience in the use of lasers for treating skin conditions, Dr.Rinky Kapoor has helped restore the beauty and appeal of countless individuals. Trained by one of the most renowned skin specialists in the world, Dr.Zein Obaji, she has introduced the latest techniques and technologies to India. The use of cutting edfe lasers has resulted in better treatment outcomes.

#3 Much sought after in conventions
The success of a specialist can also be determined by the reputation of the specialist among peers. This is best witness in conventions, where the most successful and innovative specialists take centre stage to discus new procedures and problems in medicine. Dr.Rinky Kapoor is not only a recipient of numerous awards and recognitions; she is much sought after in conventions for sharing information about new techniques and success in surgical procedures. Her skill and experience in the use of the latest technologies has combined with her knowledge to offer the best line of treatment for individuals. From disorders to corrective surgeries, from hair related problems to skin cancer and allergy, Dr.Rinky Kapoor is a name trusted and relied by patients globally.